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Barone Ricasoli : Castello di Brolio Gran Selezione 2018

Barone Ricasoli : Castello di Brolio Gran Selezione 2018

Gran Selezione - - - Red - See details
€230.00 Incl. VAT
€230.00 / Unit
Format : Double-Magnum (3l)
  • Delivery
    DeliveryFree Home delivery for orders exceeding € 300
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  • Guaranteed provenance
    Guaranteed provenanceWines sourced directly from the producing estates
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Marks and reviews

Review by Robert Parker
J. RobinsonJ. Robinson16/20
Wine SpectatorWine Spectator92/100
J. SucklingJ. Suckling97/100
Vinous - A. GalloniVinous - A. Galloni90/100


The finesse and refinement of an exceptional Chianti Classico Gran Selezione

The estate

The Ricasoli family, whose origins date back to the 7th century, is one of the oldest Italian families. Barone Ricasoli is the oldest winery in Italy, following the acquisition of Château Brolio by the Ricasoli family in 1141. Aware of this estate’s great potential, the Ricasoli family undertook major restructuring work at the vineyards and modernised wine-growing practices, with the ambition of producing great wines derived from this terroir in Brolio.

The wines from this estate in Tuscany were therefore exported beyond borders and reputed for their quality, notably in 1867, when the wine from Brolio won the first gold medal at the Exposition Universelle in Paris. After years of research and experimentation, in 1872, Bettino Ricasoli created the "formula" for the production of Chianti, now named Chianti Classico.

With a surface area of 1200 hectares, of which 240 hectares are vines, the vineyard at the estate is the largest in the wine-growing region of Chianti.

The vineyard

The Castello di Brolio Gran Selezione 2018 by Barone Ricasoli is made from a 26-hectare vineyard, planted between the years of 1994 to 2005 between 400 and 490 metres of altitude. With a south/south-west exposure, this terroir, located close Château de Briolio, derives its distinctiveness from these three geological formations: Macigno del Chianti (sandstone), Scaglia Toscana (galestro, medium-grained clay schists typical to Tuscan appellations) and Monte Morello (alberese, a marly limestone).

The wine

The first wine of the estate, produced only during great vintages, the Castello di Brolio Gran Selezione 2018 by Barone Ricasoli is derived from the most beautiful Sangiovese terroirs which neighbour the château.

The vintage

2018 was marked by damper conditions than other years. The high temperatures during the summer, as well as in September and October, combined with sufficient water reserves, have been beneficial for berry ripeness.

Winemaking and ageing

The manually harvested grapes are carefully sorted, with only those of the best quality preserved. Destemming precedes gravity-based transferral in 100hL truncated, stainless steel vats. Thermoregulated fementation at 24-27°C is accompanied by daily punch-downs. Pellicular maceration for 14 to 16 days. Ageing lasts for 18 months in 500-litre barrels, of which 30% are new.


Castello di Brolio Gran Selezione 2018 by Barone Ricasoli is 100% Sangiovese.

Barone Ricasoli : Castello di Brolio Gran Selezione 2018