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Mix and match cases
of sparkling wines and crémants

Don’t imagine that champagne holds the exclusive claim to fine, elegant bubbles anymore. In recent years, a number of superb bottlings have emerged among crémants and similar sparkling wines, which we’re delighted to introduce to you through these specially curated boxes. From the Loire to Alsace, Jura to Burgundy, we’ve traveled through French vineyards and tasted numerous cuvées in search of those that meet our high standards deliciously. Don’t wait—you’re in for a delightful surprise!



From Auvergne to the Atlantic coast, the Loire is a vast wine region offering a wide variety of sparkling wines thanks to its diverse terroirs and grape varieties. In recent years, the vibrancy of the Loire Valley has been impressive, with estates constantly pushing the boundaries of quality and exploring off the beaten path. Add to this a strong tradition of sparkling wine, and you have all the ingredients for the emergence of exciting and diverse cuvées. 

Jo Landron : Brut Atmosphères Loire
Domaine de la Taille Aux Loups : Triple Zéro Montlouis-Sur-Loire Montlouis-sur-Loire
Domaine François Chidaine : Brut Nature Méthode Traditionnelle 2020 Montlouis-sur-Loire
Domaine des Bérioles : Tressallier Brut Nature 2022 Loire
Château de Fosse-Sèche : Il Était une Fois Loire
Domaine Huet : Brut 2019 Vouvray

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