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Delivery Options


Millésima works with carriers specialising in deliveries to private customers. We offer you a range of delivery options adapted to your needs and your orders (weight, type of product). If you don't find a suitable solution in this list, don't hesitate to contact us for a personalised quote. All our deliveries are hand-delivered with a signature on receipt.

logo standard


3 weeks* after dispatch
1 shipment every month
€35 free 

for purchases over €300 for deliverable wines
€35 including VAT free 

for purchases over €1800 for en-primeur wines
  • Delivery within a one-day time slot, from Monday to Friday.
  • Receive a notification from the carrier by text message, email, or phone.
  • Delivery to the doorstep. No delivery upstairs or to the floor.

*Estimated time.
Processing of orders: our sales department processes orders within an average of 24 hours before dispatch (excluding delivery times, weekends and public holidays). Orders are dispatched subject to verification of payment and availability of wines. If an item is unavailable, we will wait until we receive it before dispatching the entire order. For partial dispatch, please contact our sales department.
